Aim and Objectives of Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Cell
The role of human rights and equal opportunity cell is to construct a society based on the idea of equal opportunity in each sphere of life by asserting their human rights. Through this process, the cell could act as a mean to promote fraternity. By keeping this vision, following are aims and objectives:
To effective implementation of the programmes for disadvantage groups
To promote the cultural diversity within the campus in specific and society in large by creating awareness in the educational institutions
To develop a culture of Human Rights whereevery person is treated with dignity and respect ;where diversity is embraced and to construct asociety in which all members have equalopportunity and Promote fraternity
To enhance knowledge and understandingof Human rights and opportunities andamong students.
To sensitize students and faculty so thatunderstanding and acceptance of HumanRights and equal opportunity can betranslated into social and political reality.